Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation

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Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation-infototka

Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation

The most important time for girls or women is the menstruation cycle or period and this time they need to be careful about Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation. Today INFOTOTKA going to share with you about foods diet during menstruation periods. This ia a most common thing begining from the world. There are many people think this is a problem but it not. This is a most common natural case is about girls. It usally happens wahen a girl keep steps in teenage. During this time many types of symptoms of menstruation are seen in girls. Such as excessive pain in the abdomen, irritable mood, dizziness, acidity, nausea, nausea, nausea and other symptoms can be seen. Many do not have regular periods. Occurs for irregular periods or absolutely periodic closed polycystic ovary syndrome (POS). However, there are many other reasons for why periods are not regular. For example, excessive anxiety, consuming caffeine foods such as drinking excess coffee, taking stress, living in unhealthy environment, being unclean, drinking or smoking and etc. During the period, you should consume foods that will keep your body healthy and healthy. Regular period making body's hormonal balance fine. These are the foods that are suitable for safety and health precautions during menstruation periods. Recommend by the WHO the suitable foods are reponsible for the regulaer menstruation cycle are listed bellow.

Eat healthy food and diet to maintain Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation

Dark chocolate-Dark chocolate refreshes and cools the body's nerve system and the mood cools down so it is best to eat during the period.

Green Tea-Green tea is a type of antioxidant that enhances immunity. It also reduces the pain of the period.

Lemon-Lemon contains Vitamin C. Eating with lemon in lemon syrup or lettuce is good for health during periods.

Bananas-There is a lot of energy in banana that comes with energy immediately after eating. The body is weak for a few days to shed blood. So bananas are a good nutritious meal at this time.

Ginger and Cinnamon tea-Instead of milk tea, drink ginger and cinnamon tea. Its make preiod regular.

Cheesecake-Cheesecake mixed with red tea or radish, period will be regular and the amount of iron and zinc in the body is limited.

Raw papaya-Raw pepe helps to have regular periods and flows well during the period.

Turmeric Powder-It is best to eat Turmeric during the period. It is to drink with thin milk.

Coriander leaf -Coriander leaf or parsalipata filling eat mix with rice, it will help irregular periods to be regular.

Other foods include nuts, almonds, colorful and greens vegetables, pineapple, aloe vera, carrots, etc. are important during the period.

There are some foods you should avoid during the period to maintain Safety and health precautions during periods-Menstruation

  • Coffee or milk tea should be avoided
  • Extra heavy foods and fried foods in oil
  • Processed and stale foods.
  • Cold drinks and extra sweet treats.
  • Extra salty foods.
  • Extra thick dairy products

Thus, following the rules towards food, the menstruation cycle will be regular and during this time the body will be energetic and healthy.

“Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself.”― Roseanne Barr

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