Stroke or Brain Stroke -10 causes are responsible for stroke or brain stroke.

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Stroke or Brain Stroke now a days is a most dangerous and panic's name. Most of the time its not give any advane signal when its happened, thats why people can't take any action against stroke or brain stroke. Although the causes of stroke are bonded and take place day by day in human body. But people avoid the symptoms does not take treatment and do the works regulerly whiches are causes of stroke or brain stroke. In a world statics we can see according to the World Health Organization, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide each year. Of these, 5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disable. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in United States. More than 140,000 people die each year from Stroke in United States. You can see the chart of worldwide stroke effected list by visit the link-Stroke Statistics

After all keep behind everything if we are aware and follow some advice from experts, we can reduce this risk of stroke and reduce the number of death form stroke. Today Dr. Saiful Islam share some most important information with INFOTOTKA, how we can prevent the Stroke or Brain Stroke? To prevent stroke we know first What is Stroke? Why is Stroke? What is the risk factor of Stroke? Whiches are Stroke symptoms and causes? What we should do or not? All of those answer you are going to get here. Hope this aritacle will help you. Don't be hopeless and stay with us. To see other health tips from infototka please click here.

What is Stroke / Brain Stroke ?

If the blood supply to the brain is obstructed for any reason, Some brain tissue dies due to lack of blood. In a word this called stroke or brain stroke. The blood supply to the brain stops, especially due to blood vessel blockage or ruptured blood vessels. ‍According to statics of WHO, One out of every six strokes. In anyone any age can be infectd by Stroke.

Stroke or Brain Stroke -10 responsible sauses for stroke or brain stroke.
Cerebral Artery-infototka

Risk Factor's of Stroke or Brain Stroke

There are many risk factors, ‍all that is worth it the chances of having a stroke are often increased. These risk factors can be divided into two categories. 

First, Unmodifyable (Uncontrollable)  there are some risk factor that we can not control. As age increases, the risk increases. Usually after 55 years the risk of stroke increases. However, stroke can occur at any age. Children have strokes.Particularly children who have congenital disease are at risk of stroke more than 90%. Young people have more strokes than young women. However, more women die of stroke. Women live longer than men, so they have more strokes at an older age. 

And-Second, Modifyable (Controllable) Risk Factor, there are some risk factor that we can control. Its call modifyable risk factor. 90% mofifyable risk factor are reasonable for stroke. Such as-

1. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke or brain stroke. The blood vessel is damaged due to high blood pressure thats why happened stroke. High blood pressure is the blood pressure in the arteries. When the blood is pumping into the body, the blood is pushing how much hard into the artery wall so that is called blood pressure. When blood is released from the heart, the pressure on the artery wall is the systolic pressure. And the pressure found between the two pressures is diastolic. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Here 120 is  systolic pressure and 80 is dialostic pressure. The blood pressure is calculated according to these two value. Generally, high blood pressure is considered as high blood pressure when 140/90 or higher. But sadly, we didn't realize, we had high blood pressure until before the stroke. Symptoms of high blood pressure, usually accompanied by sudden headaches, difficulty breathing, blurred eyes and etc. However, many times no symptoms are understood. Blood pressure value is obtained by checking the BP on the machine. The silent killer high blood pressure  if stay without medical treatment, its carry a higher possibility of stroke, heart attack, stomach damage and others biggest physical difficulties. Check up regularly, if caught the high blood pressure take medicine by doctor consult. Do reguler excercise by the instruction of physiotherapist. Protect yourself from stroke risk.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes infacted patient carry more risk of stroke than other patient. Diabeties increase the chance of stroke. The amount of sweetness we receive with food, a hormone is needed to break it down, its called Insulin. Diabetes infacted patient's body can't grow the insulin althogh its grow thats are not enough for break down the suger molicule. Thus the amount of sugar to increase its volume, cholestorel and fat increase in blood vessels. As the result it make narrow blood vessels and inrease the rick of high blood pressure. So you have diabetes, ofcourse you should consult with doctor and exercise by the instruction of a physiotherapist.

3. Atrial Febrillation

Atrial Febrillation is a irregular heartbeat, usually give a quick hearbeat. Many times due to an irreguler heartbeat blood colt becomes small wheel. That goes to the brain with blood vessel and block the blood vessels as result make stroke. Atrial fibrillation increase  the risk of stroke by five fold. Such a big stroke risk, sadly, however, for the most part, this is not diagnosis or remains under treatments. So if someone has irregular pulse, his/her should definitly meet a physician or specialist physicain. Atrial fibrillation is more common in people older than 55 and with heart disease or thyroid disease.

4. High Cholesterol

For the normal activity body need cholesterol. But more cholesterol is diposited in the blood vessels, it increases the risk of stroke by narrowing the blood vessels. Therefore, it is necessary to eat healthy and exercise regularly. If it overweight, chek diabetes and eat and follow the doctors's instruction.

5. Sickle Cell Disease

This type of disease usually results in a blood cell from the spherical to crescentic. Which stops the blood supply to the arteries. and inrease the risk of stroke.

6. Risk Factor by lifestyle

We can control these risk factors by changing our habits. Such as take Alchohole, Smoking, Cocaine and other intoxicants inreases the risk of stroke by two-folded. So avoid these habits and stay risk free from stroke. Lake of physical exertion, Espeially for those who are less physically active oa have a sluggish life, they have more chance to stroke or brain stroke.

But all over the word, its true that 90% stroke are preventable. Medical journal of medical Lancet in 2016 publish a large number of studies on stroke internatinally, where tjhey said, there have 10 modifiable risk factor which are 90% responsible for stroke or brain stroke. Where hypertension and high blood pressure has been shown to be the most important factor. The factor of risk and how many percent of responsible for stroke they contain are listed bellow:

(a) High Blood Pressure-48%
(b) Avoid physical Exertion-36%
(c) Cholesterol levels in abnormal levels-27%
(d) Unhealthy foods-23%
(e) Overweight-19%
(f) Hypertension and Disappointment-17%
(g) Smoking-12%
(h) Heart Disease-9%
(i) Alchohole-6%
(j) Diabetes-4%

Doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you slim. Teachers won’t make you smart. Gurus won’t make you calm. Mentors won’t make you rich. Trainers won’t make you fit. Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. Save yourself. --Naval Ravikant
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