Health awareness on travel

Enjoy a healthy life by traveling; also stay healthy when you traveling. _infototka.
Health awareness on travel-attitudes and awareness of medical assistance while traveling
Health awareness on travel
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.__Buddha 

Health awareness on travel

Health is the key all happiness. Travelling plays a serious role to keep well our psychical and mental health. So in the context of staying healthy while traveling INFOTOTKA share some important tips. Hope you find the suggestions useful.

Things to do when traveling to avoid common illness

In general illness Cold, cough, vomiting, headache, dizziness and Travelers are more to be a fear of diarrhea due to eating on the street. By take some preparation it can be avoided. Before leaving for the trip should not eat massage, rather than eating something light foods, and then there is a less chance of vomiting. For avoiding acidity you should ignore all kinds of spicy foods.

As traveling vehicles air-conditioned cars or buses are more convenient for traveling a long distance cause its closed window protect from dust and dirt. And it makes less possibility to be diseases of cold cough, shortness of breath and others. Glasses should be used to protect the eyes from dirt and scarf should be used to protect hair.

In the road continuously play game in mobile or chatting could be causes of nausea, feeling dizzy and others. In this case should be avoided to do this type of work long time or continuously; on the other hand it forbid to motion sickness.

Essential Drugs and Other Things 

If a person is suffering from hypertension, diabetes, asthma and thyroid problems, it is important to take the necessary medication while traveling. Which people are used some medicine regularly like Drugs used for heart dise
ase, medicines used for kidney problems should be kept with self. Generally some medicines May be used on the way; such as Inhaler in asthma patients, Anti-ulcerin to reduce hyper acidity, Antihistamines to mitigate colds, Oral-saline and etc should take by those who are in these type of problems. There is something more must should be taken with as first aid- Bandage, Cotton, Antiseptic cream, Mosquito Repellent. Mosquito repellent cream is particularly needed for heel tracking. Can also be kept always with an umbrella, sunscreen, towel, tissue paper in a small bag.


Types of food vary depending on time and distance but all in cases it is necessary to keep it with pure water for drink. For purifying water chlorine tablet can carry in bag. In a short distance travel; traveler can take along chips, cakes, cookies and fruits. Long Journey or hill Tracking can be taken with biscuits, breads, butter, jams, cakes, yogurt, curry, sugar, instant coffee, packets of instant soup noodles, etc. In a long distance travel it is batter not to take home cooked food because there is the fear of being wasted. However, it can be taken with boiled eggs while traveling.


In any kinds of traveling should always wear comfortable dresses. In winter girls should not wear shawls but can be worn jacket, sweater and like this type of dresses. This type of dresses will protect you from cold on the other hand by wearing this type of dresses moving also easy. Gents can wear different type of dresses by depend on the weather but it not should more loose. At this time, nipples, mufflers and small shawls can be used to protect the nose, ears and throat from cold air. But if it will in summer travelers should select loose and comfortable dresses if worn, it needs less heat and when the body sweats it will dry easily. The use of jeans during the monsoon is quite convenient. In this session specially girls should use synthetic wear such as Chiffon, Georgette, etc. should be used so that it can be easily dried in the air when wet. During travel, you should wear closed sandals rather than open sandals, as it is very comfortable to use.

Special precautions for pregnant mothers and newborn babies

Health awareness on travel-attitudes and awareness of medical assistance while traveling
Pregnant mothers must follow the doctor's advice on travel and must travel in the first and last three months without risk. In this case, the train journey is somewhat safe. There is a risk of abortion in the first three months and premature labor in the last three months. Also in some condition should ignore air travelling such as sickle cell anemia, abrasio placenta, etc. If there have new born baby and he/she breastfeed than should take extra care, depending on weather should wear them comfortable dresses. In case of formula feeding, formula powder should be kept in flasks, flasks with hot water and clean bottles. If take ready-made baby food from home should be careful that will not be waste. To avoid any kind of risk may take some wearable dresses, tissue, pure water and hot water in a flask for make instant drinking milk and etc for baby in a bag. Protect baby’s from dust and dirt should take action to depend on situation.


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